Stand together as Ph.D. candidates

On the 26th of March 2024, Max Rang, a Ph.D. candidate within the faculty of Science & Technology at the University of Twente, published an opinion piece in UToday. In this opinion piece, Max highlights problems faced by many Ph.D. candidates at the UT. Most notable are the problems where there are many rules, regulations and obligations within the Ph.D. procedure that exist just to protect the image of the university.

In support of his message, we want to send a letter to the Executive Board (College van Bestuur), echoing the problems that Max highlights. With this website, we hope to collect names of people who also support Max's opinion to co-sign the letter. The more names we collect, the more likely it is that the problems concerning the Ph.D. trajectory are taken more seriously.

You can find the letter here. You can add your name (anonymously is possible) here.

Update #1

As of writing this update, we are exactly 24 hours after the launch of this petition. The response we have gotten so far is incredible, with over 150 Ph.D. candidates, staff members, professors and others signing the letter thus-far. Thank you for the support you have shown already!
The noise that has been generated has been enough to warrant a second article in UToday, explaining what we are trying to achieve. We hope that you continue to make noise by sharing the petition with friends and collegues within the UT.
Furthermore, we also want to thank those who have reached out to us via email with their ideas, feedback and messages of support. With your input, we have a good baseline of ideas for when we are able to start conversations with the executive board. We will keep you updated on the progress.

Thank you once again for the support so far!
Dennis Klaassen, Kevin Vonk and Max Rang

This website was created by Kevin Vonk. Please send an email if you have an inquiry.